• Abstracts must be written in English
• Abstracts must be submitted in MS Word (.doc) file
• Maximum number of words: 300
• Type the title of the abstract in CAPITAL BOLD LETTERS
• Write the name/s of author/s with initials preceding the last name, institution/s, city and country
• Underline the name of the presenting author
• Use double-space between the heading and the text of the abstract
• Specify your preference for ORAL or POSTER presentation
• Any abstracts received after the deadline will not be reviewed
• In order to present (oral or poster) the presenting author needs to be registered, with own expenses, at the congress.
Abstracts should be submitted by July 30, 2024 using our online abstract submission system. Acceptance of abstracts will be notified to the Leading Author no later than August 10, 2024 following evaluation by the Executive Programme Committee and an International panel of referees. Oral and poster presented papers will be published and distributed per USB. At the same time, presentations selected to be published in the Eurasian Journal of Soil Science will be sent to referee evaluation. Those accepted for publication by the referees will be published in the Eurasian Journal of Soil Science.
Abstract Example
Title: Cambria, 12 pt, bold, the first letter of title is capitalized, centred paragraph
Name Surname1*, Name Surname2
*1University, Faculty, Department, City, Country.
2University, Faculty, Department, City, Country.
*Corresponding author e-mail:AbstractThis template describes the formatting requirements for the 11th Soil Congress Cappadocia, Turkey, 23-25 September 2024. The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words, including spaces, and should summarise the main points of the paper. Font should be Cambria, 12 pt. Margins: Top, bottom, left and right margins should be 2.5 cm. Use single line spacing and leave one line between paragraphs.
Keywords: 3-6 words, in alphabetical order, should be given at the end of the abstract, leaving 1 line space. (Use commas to separate words.)
Guidelines for Poster Presentation
- Make your poster easy to read and include some visuals or diagrams. Allocate the top of the poster to the title and authors' names and affiliations. If possible, institute logos or affiliations should be minimised in size and put in the lower corner of the poster, or, alternatively, next to the title.
- Use short sentences, simple words, and bullets to illustrate your points.
- The poster should be 70 cm wide and 100 cm high.
- The print and lettering on the poster should be easily readable from a distance of one metre, so please make sure that the text is visible (title: 48 point font, authors: 36 point font, titles of tables and figures: 18 point size, main text: 16 font size)
- All posters will be displayed for 3 days during the congress.
- At the end of the congress, 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners for poster presentations will be awarded according to the evaluation results to be made by the committee.
- Please note that poster presentations must be in English only.