AbstractClick to download The Abstract Template PDF
Abstract Example
Title: Cambria, 12 pt, bold, the first letter of title is capitalized, centred paragraph
Name Surname1*, Name Surname2
*1University, Faculty, Department, City, Country.
2University, Faculty, Department, City, Country.
*Corresponding author e-mail:
This template describes the formatting requirements for the 11th Soil Congress Cappadocia, Turkey, 23-25 September 2024. The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words, including spaces, and should summarise the main points of the paper. Font should be Cambria, 12 pt. Margins: Top, bottom, left and right margins should be 2.5 cm. Use single line spacing and leave one line between paragraphs.
Keywords: 3-6 words, in alphabetical order, should be given at the end of the abstract, leaving 1 line space. (Use commas to separate words.)